-> 2006 ->

Information about Gilbert Boyd?
Fairly regularly I receive e-mails with questions about Islay, either on my other Isle of Islay pages or through this blog. Time and knowledge permitting I try to answer as many as I can. But some leave me stumped and I don't know the answer. On the other hand the collective knowledge of the internet and its users might know the answer:
Kirsten McTavish is looking for information about one of her ancestors, here's what she wrote:
An ancestor of ours Gilbert Boyd b. 1851, who according to family history,drowned off Baltimore. He was a Seaman (Merchant Service) and married Susan Stewart 1873. Two of their children, Mary Elleanor Douglas Boyd, b. 1874 and Susan Boyd, b. 1879 were born in Shore Road Kilarrow, Islay. His wife later remarried in 1891. I have been unable to find out anything at all about him and have no death certificate.
Does anyone have any information for Kirsten? If you can help, please email me and I'll forward it to her (I don't want to publish e-mail addresses here, spam protection).
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