-> 2008 -> Islay Blogging Roundup #52

Sunday, 12/Oct/2008

Islay Blogging Roundup #52

Islay Blogging Roundup in stencil

Good afternoon! This week's Islay blogging roundup comes to you from London Heathrow Terminal 5, courtesy of British Airways and The Big Bad Fog. My flight to Germany this morning was cancelled and I'm now on stand by for a late afternoon flight (with a back up confirmed for the evening). Plenty of time to write this weeks roundup. So what have the blogs been writing about Islay this week?

In last week's roundup I mentioned Mirko Herzner's blog with his (photographic) journey to Islay. As of today he still hasn't arrived, he's only just about to start the ferry crossing. To follow his progress just check for images tagged 'islay'.

From pictures to a drawing: Under joynevada: islay you'll find a drawing of someone making a film on the rocks in Port Wemyss.

Back to photos with Douglas' fantastic sea kaying pictures around Islay, two entries this week: Sea kayaking in search of the Holy Grail: the Ardbeg distillery, Islay which after an excellent lunch requires a Siesta on Islay.

Several bloggers already mentioned it last week, this week John Hansell writes Bruichladdich introduces “First Growth” series. Not an Islay posting, but probably of interest for many whisky lovers visiting Islay by plane: How are you transporting your whisky, post 9/11?

The real Bruichladdich Blog seems to take a break, but the The “Officially Unofficial” Bruichladdich Blog has a few updates: Thomas went to the Whiskyfest San Francisco and has a few news, among them Drink Faster!! (if you want to get the PC7) and Octomore: I Keep Hearing Rumors.

Tom of the ardblog has been Tasting PC6 “Cuairt-Beatha”, if I interpret him correctly he's not entirely convinced just yet but expects a lot from future releases. He also had Bildpost von Islay (Picture mail from Islay), reconnecting with someone he met during a visit to Islay.

Scott and Bron have an update about Life on Islay: Autumn arrives

Ron reports that Islay Studios are now on Islay House Square and writes that Inveraray is a must between Glasgow and Islay. He also asks Are Charities in the Ilich Blood?, although I think this is more of an Anglo-American tradition in general.

So what about the birding?

Ian at the Islay Birds blog continues reporting from the arrival of the geese, despite some bad weather again. The next the first male Snow Bunting arrived. Later in the week the (in)famous Bar-headed Goose made a return.

John Islay Birder Armitage also has a lot to report: There wasn't much birding on Friday after some horrible weather. But earlier in the week he was watching geese and 29 Mistle Thrush. Also a Greenland White-fronted Goose with a red collar marked J3H was a first for Britain.

Jeremy Hastings' Islay Birding News report of Tern and Swedish Journalists (no, the latter is not a new bird species) after talking of Days of Rain earlier.

I think that's about it for this week. As regular readers will have come to expect the usual reference to the Scottish Roundup: This week with A quiet week really... Actually, no, it was busy, there's a lot about the credit crunch, a topic I've also tried to cover in Islay and the 'Credit Crunch'.

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