-> 2008 -> Two Isle of Jura Links

Thursday, 27/Nov/2008

Two Isle of Jura Links

Picture of the white washed buildings for the Isle of Jura distillery

Today we're going to leave Islay for a visit to Islay's nearest neighbour, the Isle of Jura, just across the Sound of Islay mentioned yesterday. Over the last few days I've spotted two links I thought some of you might find interesting:

The first one is a whisky link, a video of a ‘master class’ to be precise. It shows Willie Tait speaking about whisky at the American network CNBC. While he speaks about whisky in general the Isle of Jura distillery obviously receives a special mention.

The second link is about the appeal of Jura as a destination and in particular how George Orwell was attracted to it and passed it on to his adopted son: Big Brother’s living legacy. Richard Horatio Blair talks about how he remembers his father on Jura and how he remains connected to the island, he will even be near Jura after his death.

Well, that's all for today, I hope you found the links interesting. Good night, more blogging tomorrow.

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