-> 2009 -> Friday Islay Picture #113 - Sheep, Loch Gorm and Clouds

Friday, 31/Jul/2009

Friday Islay Picture #113 - Sheep, Loch Gorm and Clouds

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Sorry I'm a bit late, I kind of got side tracked with creating another Islay video, more about that later. Of course there is going to be a Friday Islay picture this evening, just a bit later. I'm not entirely sure why I picked this picture, for some reason I found it interesting. A view from Kilchoman over to Loch Gorm, with some sheep and interesting clouds:

Picture of 3 sheep, a loch (lake) and some dramatic clouds

As usual I will post a larger version (larger as in more than as big as the one above) on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning. I hope you like it either way, large or small. As I said, for some reason I found it appealing, not really sure why.

Have a great weekend!

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