-> 2010 -> Waveboarding Islay Style

Diluain, 16/Aug/2010

Waveboarding Islay Style

Islay on Video written in stencil

Where do I start? The weather on Islay yesterday? The mountain boarding? Let me start with some history, going back a year and a half to February 2009, when I blogged about Mountain Boarding on Islay. Back then Alan Ringo and a few of his friends invented the new sport for Islay. They had another idea and making the best out of yesterday's fantastic weather they turned it into reality:

YouTube: Waveboarding part 1

That's of course not all, there's also Waveboarding part 2 and kind of related fish boxing faceplant. I met the guys when I was on Islay in June, they've got plenty more ideas. Fingers crossed they get the weather for it, I hear today was rather grey and wet after the brilliant weather yesterday. I'll be on the lookout for further videos!

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