-> 2011 -> The sea floor around Port Ellen, Islay

Diluain, 24/Jan/2011

The sea floor around Port Ellen, Islay

Islay on Video written in stencil

Unfortunately a MySQL database decided to take the evening off today, so the website I had planned to write about today will have to wait until at least tomorrow. Fingers crossed said database and the website dependent on it will be back tomorrow. Instead I'll show you either the most boring Islay video you're ever going to see, or potentially the most exciting Islay video you'll ever see. However, I suspect for most of you (like me) it will be the first:

YouTube: Port Ellen DS Run1 0505C Disc 8

In the unlikely event that you fall under the second category, there's more for you to view:

If you thought that was it you're wrong, there's more what that came from (and I'm leaving out a few). But then again there's a lot of sea floor to cover around Islay:

I'm not entirely sure what the exact purpose of these videos is, but as they are posted on the MarineLaboratory account I assume they are for some kind of marine research. The link from the account takes us to the Marine Scotland, from where we can find all kinds of further information including the Marine Scotland Science pages and the fairly new Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Blog. Not to forget the Video Programmes section, which explains what the videos are about:

All collection of films from Marine Scotland Science including footage from seabed trawls, species information, equipment testing and general information.

Any marine scientist reading this please feel free to expand on what we're seeing in these videos and if there's anything interesting to take away for us amateurs.

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