-> 2011 ->

Diardaoin, 24/Feb/2011
Islay Whisky Chocolate from Hotel Chocolat

Last weekend I was in Reading Town Centre, a fairly rare event as I don't really like going into town. But I had to run a few errands so I was there. I happened to be in The Oracle shopping centre when Chris Ratcliff twittered about chocolate with Islay whisky. He mentioned they were from Hotel Chocolat, where I happened to know they had a shop in Reading. As it turned out in The Oracle. So I went shopping, picking the dark chocolate version as I prefer it over milk chocolate:

Chris I think very much liked it, having picked the milk chocolate version. So what's my verdict?
Very nice. The Islay single malt whisky taste and smell is well developed (according to the label it contains 4% alcohol), but not overpowering. The peaty smoky taste also comes through, again without overpowering the sweet aromas of the chocolate (70% cocoa solids). I'm not going to hazard a guess which Islay whisky they use, my taste buds aren't developed well enough to pick that out.
Of the three packs I bought there's now one left, which I suspect will be gone by the end of the week as well. While I won't travel into Reading just for them (can't seem to find them in the online shop?) I will certainly buy some more next time I get into Reading or near any of their other shops.
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