-> 2011 -> Music at the Sound of Jura

Disathairne, 24/Sep/2011

Music at the Sound of Jura

Islay Music in stencil

How about another Saturday music evening? OK, OK, it's not really Islay music, not even Jura music, but mainland music. However, the music was played and recorded with a lovely view over to Jura, so I decided it's close enough. Apart from that it is a very nice song, I hope you'll enjoy The South Wind played by John Cunningham:

YouTube: The South Wind ~ John N Cunningham

I also found this fitting as today is officially the first day of autumn, the song and the summer evening light it was recorded in are a nice memory of the summer (of which we admittedly didn't have much). Or as John writes in the description:

The fire was crackling, the birds and wildlife were singinging and it was about 10pm on a glorious June night. Where better to be than on the shores of the Sound of Jura overlooking the magnificent skyline of the Paps of Jura.

The long summer nights, soon only a memory…

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