-> 2011 -> Canada Geese on Islay (Video)

Diluain, 12/Dec/2011

Canada Geese on Islay (Video)

Islay on Video written in stencil

Yes, you read that right. Canada Geese. Not Barnacle Geese. Or White-Fronted Geese. While the last two are the main species on Islay during the winter (and you can also see quite a few of them in the video, in particular Barnacle Geese), this video focuses on a fairly rare visitor to Islay with the Canada Geese:

YouTube: parvipes & hutchinsii Canada Geese on Islay

The video is from a birder from Oxfordshire (at least I assume he is from Oxfordshire) who blogs at The Listless Twitcher who recently answered The Calling… I'm not entirely sure if it was taken on Islay, there's also a picture and the story of a Greenland White-Fronted Goose on the blog, posted on the same day. Oh, and he follows the Islay Birds blog.

I hope you'll enjoy watching these more unusual visitors to Islay.

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