—> 2012 —> Islay Kite Aerial Pictures Revisited

Diardaoin, 26/Jan/2012

Islay Kite Aerial Pictures Revisited

Islay Pictures in stencil

When I wrote about the pictures of Oronsay last week I also mentioned the Islay Kite Aerial Pictures entry from 2008, as the aerial picture of Oronsay Garden was from someone I had mentioned before. As I very much like James' pictures I thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit his Islay pictures:

Screenshot of two pictures in a Flickr gallery

To start with there's of course James Gentles' Kite Aerial Photography website, for impressions of his work turn to the Gallery. The Islay and Colonsay pictures can be found in the 2008 Gallery. In addition James has uploaded many of the pictures (including some of the Islay pictures) to his's photostream on Flickr. I found the following:

I hope James and his family will return to Islay soon for more pictures, I think they are absolutely brilliant. Hope you'll like them as well (or enjoy another look if you've seen them before in 2008).

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