—> 2012 —> Lagavulin Islay Jazz Festival Video

Disathairne, 05/May/2012

Lagavulin Islay Jazz Festival Video

Islay Music in stencil

Decided it's time for a music Saturday again. The next Islay Jazz Festival is still over four months away, but yesterday I came across a nice video from the 2011 festival. It doesn't only show you music from the festival, there's more:

YouTube: Lagavulin Islay Jazz Festival 2011

In addition to the music a number of people get to talk, including Lagavulin distillery manager Georgie Crawford and of course Iain McArthur. I think this is a nice combination, tells a much better story than just lining up a selection of musical snippets.

Sharing and discussing. Opening up the discussion. Have your say:

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