—> 2012 —> Islay Pipe Band at the British Championships

Dimàirt, 03/Jul/2012

Islay Pipe Band at the British Championships

Islay Music in stencil

Those of you who follow my Twitter account might have expected this post. On Saturday I tweeted the result and similar to the Scottish Championships a few days later the video of the Islay Pipe Band at the British Championships showed up on the ever reliable islay1011 YouTube account:

YouTube: Islay Pipe Band 2012

This was the British Championships 2012 in Annan, the Islay Pipe Band finished an excellent 6th out of 14 in Grade 3A against very strong competition. I believe this is their new MSR set consisting out of ‘John MacDonald of Glencoe’, ‘Dora MacLeod’ and ‘The Smith of Chillechassie’. These are all tunes Grade 1 bands play in competitions, so the hard work over the winter to learn them is starting to pay off. Congratulations!

The next performance of the Islay Pipe Band is less than two weeks away now, at the Loch Lomond Highland Games in Balloch on Saturday, 14/Jul.

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