—> 2012 —> Boat Launch, Islay Style

Dimàirt, 10/Jul/2012

Boat Launch, Islay Style

Islay on Video written in stencil

Last night just before I went to bed I spotted another Islay video on Niall Colthart's YouTube channel. This time not with music, but about a boat (a Curragh to be precise) built during the South Islay Festival of the Sea last week. Andy had mentioned it in his Working at the South Islay Festival of the Sea entry and there's a picture of it in its early stages here. Niall shows us how it took to the water:

YouTube: Islay - Port Ellen Curragh feels the Water for the first time - Festival of the Sea 2012

A Curragh (or Currach) is a boat with a wooden frame over which an animal skins or nowadays tarred canvas is stretched. Its home is the west coast of Scotland and Ireland. While this one isn't ocean going there once were much larger version which presumably crossed the North Channel between Islay and Ireland.

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