—> 2012 —> Port Charlotte Lighthouse, Islay (Animated Gif)

Diardaoin, 13/Sep/2012

Port Charlotte Lighthouse, Islay (Animated Gif)

Islay Pictures in stencil

Trying a bit of an experiment tonight, been amateurishly playing around with Photoshop to create an animated gif. Not a wild flashy one, just a relatively subtle change in this one. Probably my favourite lighthouse on Islay, a view at night from Port Charlotte pier:

Animated Gif of a lighthouse at night

Now I'm fairly sure the interval frequency is wrong, but it worked best I think to make the animation look half way decent. I hope you like it. I'm thinking about playing with other Islay motives at some point in the future, once I've had some further inspiration.

This will also in a way be this week's ‘Friday Islay Picture’, as I'm going to take a short blogging break while attending a wedding. I expect to return to blogging on Monday with a belated Islay blogging roundup. Until then I hope you enjoy watching the light at Port Charlotte lighthouse flashing…

Sharing and discussing. Opening up the discussion. Have your say:

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