—> 2012 —> Friday Islay Picture #262 - Waves at Sunset in Saligo Bay

Dihaoine, 07/Dec/2012

Friday Islay Picture #262 - Waves at Sunset in Saligo Bay

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Will I make it before midnight? Yes, should be fine, this will still be a Friday Islay picture. Before we get to that, a quick note that after Google rolled out their communities I of course couldn't resist opening an Islay community. If you're on Google+ I hope you'll join in and start posting a few things. That out of the way to this week's picture, which was taken almost exactly two weeks ago (about 6 hours earlier than me posting this):

Picture of a colourful sunset over rocks and waves

This is the last sunset I saw on Islay this year, a quite dramatic sunset in Saligo Bay. I've got some video footage of it as well, which I hope to publish this or next weekend. Until then you'll have to get by with this picture, of which I will post a larger version on the relaunched Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning. But for now, good night!

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