—> 2013 —> Video: Climbing the Paps of Jura

Diluain, 28/Jan/2013

Video: Climbing the Paps of Jura

Jura Excursions written in stencil

Tonight a video from Islay's neighbour Jura. Some of the scenes might look familiar, as I think they might have been in a video I blogged about earlier. If you think back to the video mentioned in Nice Islay Holiday Video from December, that's the one. But now over to the new video and Jura:

YouTube: Climbing the Paps of Jura

I hope you'll enjoy the video and the views from the Paps. Later this week I'm hoping to post another video from Adam (who created the other two videos as well), that video will take us back to Islay.

Sharing and discussing. Opening up the discussion. Have your say:

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