—> 2013 —> New Islay Panorama, Sunset from the Ferry

Disathairne, 02/Feb/2013

New Islay Panorama, Sunset from the Ferry

Islay Pictures in stencil

When preparing the Friday Islay Picture #270 - Dramatic Sunset over Islay I realised that I also had the pictures for a panorama. So after a running a few errands in town over lunchtime and early afternoon I sat down to create yet another Islay panorama. Here's the as usual far too small preview:

Panoramic picture of a November sunset over Islay

For the real thing go to my More Islay 180° panoramas collection, where among 24 panoramas you will find the panorama of a dramatic sunset over Islay as seen from the ferry to Kennacraig. For those without Quicktime installed (or on tablets, which unfortunately can't display these panoramas) I've got a slightly larger version on the Islay Pictures photoblog, go to Sunset over Islay Panorama to see it.

I hope you'll enjoy the sunset either way.

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