—> 2013 —> Reindeer are coming to Islay this year

Disathairne, 10/Aug/2013

Reindeer are coming to Islay this year

Islay Events written in stencil

Rudolph the Reindeer is probably not something you expect to read much about on a mild summer evening. Yet this entry tonight is about just that, Christmas, reindeer and all that. Why? Because on the 14th and 15th of December six reindeer from the Cairngorm Reindeer Team will come to Islay and the fundraising to make this happen starts now.

Screenshot of a few pictures from the Islay Rudolph Fund on Facebook

The event is the idea of Liz Hathaway and Mary McGregor, who both work for the RSPB on Islay now, but Mary used to work with the reindeer and travel all over the UK with them. To raise the funds for the reindeer to come to Islay various activities are taking place, documented in the Islay Rudolph Fund Facebook page. If you prefer Twitter, there's also an Islay Rudolph Fund Twitter account.

The fundraising is already well under way: At the Islay Show earlier this week they walked around with a collection bucket, returning with an impressive over £400. Calmac are kindly covering the ferry fare and the team is writing to all the local businesses for their support by way of a donation or a raffle prize.

Fingers crossed the fundraising is successful and the reindeer will have a great time on Islay.

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