—> 2014 —> Islay in the news and other links

Diciadain, 19/Feb/2014

Islay in the news and other links

Islay Links in stencil

Thought I'll take you on another tour through the interweb tonight with a few links to various items which in some shape or form have an Islay interest. Fasten your seatbelts and off we go, starting with a bit of travelling:

Scottish island rated best in Europe went through the news a lot today, but don't get your hopes up too high, it isn't Islay (it's Lewis and Harris). However, Islay does still make it to number 8 in Tripadvisors 2014 travellers' choice Top 10 islands in the UK. Considering the competition I think that's quite good.

Similarly Islay in the form of the Islay International Airport bus stop also gets a mention in the BBC Magazine's The beauty of the UK's loneliest bus stops. Some claim to fame…

On a sadder note (in particular from an Islay perspective) is the Derry Journal's Brian Mitchell’s new book recalls history of emigration from Foyle. It includes a mention of the sad story of the Exmouth, which sank off the coast of Islay in a terrible storm.

The Western Morning News from Plymouth write about Setting off on a culinary journey of discovery with their guide Chris Onions. Chris grew up on Islay until he left for a culinary journey around the world and is now working at River Cottage.

And finally a few paintings with an Islay and Jura theme. They are by Andrew (Andy) Peutherer of Scottish Landscape Paintings, you can find the Islay and Jura ones by looking for the ones tagged with Islay. Enjoy.

That's it for today, I hope you found one or two interesting. Or three or four. Or even all of them.

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