—> 2014 —> Diving the Corryvreckan Whirlpool

Diluain, 06/Oct/2014

Diving the Corryvreckan Whirlpool

Jura Excursions written in stencil

Right, time for another excursion to the far north of Islay's neighbour Jura. A few days ago I spotted this video on someone's feed somewhere, unfortunately I forgot to note down where, so can't give credit. Anyway, the video takes us to the famous Corryvreckan, but not for a view from above. As you've probably guessed we're going to get a view from below:

YouTube: The Corryvreckan Whirlpool

Diving there is obviously only for highly trained and experienced divers, I also assume (if I understood the commentary right) that it is only possible to dive it in a carefully selected short time window.

But it's certainly worth it, the wildlife down there looks amazing. Bit strange to think that they thrive under the harsh conditions there.

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