—> 2014 —> Friday Islay Picture #350 - Sunset in the dunes

Dihaoine, 19/Dec/2014

Friday Islay Picture #350 - Sunset in the dunes

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Almost there, only a few days until Christmas now. I don't know yet (it depends on what exactly my sister and I do on Boxing Day), but this might be the last Friday Islay picture for this year. Should that be the case it's quite fitting that it is a nice round number, this being the 350th Friday Islay picture. For it I've picked a picture from me recent visit in November:

Picture of a sunset seen through dune grass

This was during a beautiful sunset in Saligo Bay, once the sun had set seen from the beach I quickly ran up the dunes to see it again. Managed to catch the setting sun seen through the dune grass in this picture.

Good night and have a great weekend!

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