—> 2014 —> Auld Lang Syne

Diciadain, 31/Dec/2014

Auld Lang Syne

Islay Fun in stencil

Well then, 2014 is coming to an end. I could have written some of kind of review of the year, but then again I don't fell like it. So instead something slightly different and only marginally Islay related. Just over a year ago, in the Islay Blogging Roundup #273 I mentioned the Debut Single by Whisky Kiss "Jocks Revenge (Hold)". Today quite fittingly their latest work was released:

YouTube: Whisky Kiss Auld Lang Syne - Guide Track

If you watched the video you will have noticed the karaoke type lyrics. There's a reason for that. Whisky Kiss recorded this version of the old classic for About Scotland, who would like you to ‘Join in with our rendition of Auld Lang Syne!’

I know there are a lot of excellent singers on Islay, so I hope at least some of them will join in and record their version (and of course send it in). No immediate rush, you've got until the 9th of January.

Happy New Year!

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