—> 2015 —> Mackerel Colonsay style (with some Laphroaig)

Diluain, 12/Jan/2015

Mackerel Colonsay style (with some Laphroaig)

Colonsay Excursions written in stencil

If you haven't eaten yet here's something you might want to consider making. Assuming you have some fresh Mackerel (and a few other ingredients) to hand. Now I'm not entirely sure, but I believe this was filmed on Islay's neighbour Colonsay. And there was some good Islay single malt whisky (in the form of Laphroaig) to hand:

YouTube: Lime&Chilli Mackeral Sushi Colonsay Special

I hope you enjoyed that. Or at least got hungry. And yes, the Laphroaig isn't directly used for the recipe. But I believe still a requirement.

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