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24/May/2006 Goes Beta
Well then, the basics are done: We've got a half way reasonable main page and individual pages for each entry are available as well. The RSS feed seems to be working correctly as well. We even have four (incl this one) entry so far.
Not working so far are the contact form and the 2006 archive page. But then again it can't be that difficult to take my first name, the @ sign and the domain of this site (hint: to put an email address together, should you feel the need to e-mail me right now. And with only four entries so far a 2006 archive is probably not that critical.
Also missing are a search and a sitemap as well as a few other pages I'm planning to add. None of them I deem to be essential right now.
Therefore I declare this blog to be open, even though it is will still be in 'beta' for a while. I hope you'll find it interesting and will return (or subscribe to the RSS feed). May I suggest a wee dram of Islay Single Malt Whisky while you read the entries?
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