-> 2007 -> Islay Schools, ICT, IT and Blogs


Islay Schools, ICT, IT and Blogs

Picture of a school building (Islay High School)

My mother was a teacher (in Germany), one of the first at her school (Grundschule Horner Heerstraße) to use computers for her work. As she retired a few years ago I now find it quite interesting to follow how computers and information technology (IT) are being used on Islay. One of the first sites I was aware of in that context was the Islay High School (IHS) website. But there's more to Islay schools and the internet:

In August 2006 I mentioned that Islay's Teachers are Blogging. They still are, here's the latest list of teachers from Islay I'm aware of who have a blog (or website) currently:

It's not only the teachers, the pupils on Islay are blogging as well (sometimes with a wee bit of help from the teachers):

And finally some of the teachers use the internet for their own studies: Home working for student teachers. That's all I can think of, although I've got the feeling I've forgotten something. Well, that's for the next update then. Suggestion, corrections and complaints about omissions via e-mail please if you have any.



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