
2007 Archives
All entries from 2007, listed in chronological order, oldest first:
January 2007, February 2007, March 2007, April 2007, May 2007, June 2007, July 2007, August 2007, September 2007, October 2007, November 2007, December 2007
January 2007
- 01/Jan/2007: Happy New Year!
- 02/Jan/2007: Dennis and Virginia Visit Islay
- 03/Jan/2007: Did We Meet On Islay?
- 04/Jan/2007: Help Identify Laphroaig People with Bessie Williamson
- 09/Jan/2007: Did I Spot The Right McEwan?
- 12/Jan/2007: Right Answer, But No Prize
- 12/Jan/2007: Planning a Visit to Islay?
- 13/Jan/2007: Islay Links Page Updated
- 14/Jan/2007: Islay ... Bloody Brilliant
- 14/Jan/2007: Port Ellen Panorama
- 16/Jan/2007: Port Ellen Warehouses, Islay
- 16/Jan/2007: Ileach Newspaper of the Year?
- 18/Jan/2007: Congratulations To The Ileach Team!
- 19/Jan/2007: Port Ellen War Memorial, Islay
- 20/Jan/2007: How To Pronounce Islay Malts
- 20/Jan/2007: Kilchoman Distillery Shop
- 21/Jan/2007: Islay Travelogue Update
- 23/Jan/2007: Stormy Islay
- 25/Jan/2007: More Islay (and Jura) Pictures on Flickr
- 27/Jan/2007: Loch Fyne Whiskies Blogs Kilchoman, Islay
- 27/Jan/2007: Islay -vs- Singapore
- 28/Jan/2007: Islay Ales: Worts n' Ale!
- 29/Jan/2007: Ferry To Islay, 1950s Style
- 30/Jan/2007: Tesco's Islay Single Malt
- 31/Jan/2007: Philip Kirkham's Islay Nature Pictures
February 2007
- 01/Feb/2007: Heads Up Jura Fell Race 2007
- 02/Feb/2007: Four Winds Cottage, Portnahaven, Islay
- 03/Feb/2007: An Islay Blog In Hebrew?
- 04/Feb/2007: Loch Laphroaig and Laphroaig Distillery Panorama
- 04/Feb/2007: Update On Whisky Blog In Hebrew
- 05/Feb/2007: Islay's And Jura's Claim To Rock Fame?
- 06/Feb/2007: Willkommen, Leser aus Deutschland
- 07/Feb/2007: Burning Money On Jura
- 08/Feb/2007: Islay Ancestry Research
- 09/Feb/2007: House With A View, Islay
- 10/Feb/2007: Lagavulin Distillery, Islay, Panorama
- 11/Feb/2007: Panorama of Ardbeg Distillery, Islay
- 11/Feb/2007: Evening On Islay
- 12/Feb/2007: Islay Cottage, Lyttelton, NZ
- 13/Feb/2007: Sanctuary Crosses Near Kilchoman, Islay
- 14/Feb/2007: Walking Holidays On Islay
- 15/Feb/2007: Keils, a Crofting Village on Jura
- 16/Feb/2007: Belgians Like Islay Whisky As Well
- 17/Feb/2007: Panorama of Loch Gorm from Kilchoman, Islay
- 17/Feb/2007: Completed: Evening at Kilchoman, Islay
- 18/Feb/2007: Islay Walking Week - WalkIslay 2007
- 19/Feb/2007: Ardbeg 1965 Revisited
- 20/Feb/2007: Port Charlotte, The Jewel Of Islay
- 21/Feb/2007: The Ninth Distillery For Islay?
- 22/Feb/2007: Waiting For The Boat To Jura?
- 23/Feb/2007: Ceilidh On Islay
- 24/Feb/2007: Port Charlotte On Islay Panorama Revisited
- 25/Feb/2007: Two New Features On
- 25/Feb/2007: Picture: An Islay Butterfly
- 26/Feb/2007: The Islay Pipe Band
- 27/Feb/2007: John Francis Campbell Monument on Islay
- 28/Feb/2007: Islay Schools, ICT, IT and Blogs
March 2007
- 01/Mar/2007: River Sorn Through Bridgend Woods, Islay
- 01/Mar/2007: Going Shopping On Islay
- 02/Mar/2007: The 9th Islay Distillery: Port Charlotte
- 03/Mar/2007: Islay Alpaca
- 04/Mar/2007: John Crawfurd, Born On Islay
- 04/Mar/2007: Morning in Port Charlotte, Islay, Completed
- 05/Mar/2007: First Taste of Islay's New Spirit
- 06/Mar/2007: Islay's CyberCafe (Internet Cafe)
- 07/Mar/2007: Port Charlotte Distillery Warehouse On Islay
- 08/Mar/2007: Lots of Islay Pictures
- 09/Mar/2007: Friday Islay Picture (1)
- 10/Mar/2007: An Islay FAQ...
- 11/Mar/2007: Islay Distilleries, Large and Small
- 11/Mar/2007: Islay Loaf, Some Islay Baking
- 12/Mar/2007: Islay Woollen Mill, A Video Visit
- 13/Mar/2007: Islay and Robert Millar Book
- 14/Mar/2007: New Islay Ferry Design
- 15/Mar/2007: Keills Primary on Islay is Blogging
- 16/Mar/2007: Friday Islay Picture (2)
- 17/Mar/2007: Islay, Idlewild and Foxface
- 18/Mar/2007: Kilchiaran Bay, Islay, Under Way
- 19/Mar/2007: The Port Charlotte Hotel, Islay
- 20/Mar/2007: Betsy West, An Islay Life In Pictures
- 21/Mar/2007: Italian Food and Islay Whisky
- 22/Mar/2007: Islay Community Access Group Website
- 23/Mar/2007: Friday Islay Picture (3)
- 24/Mar/2007: Islay Walking Week 2007 Updates
- 24/Mar/2007: Walking On Islay T-Shirt
- 25/Mar/2007: Islay's Marilyns
- 25/Mar/2007: Germans Are Blogging From Islay
- 26/Mar/2007: Wave Power and Renewable Energy on Islay
- 27/Mar/2007: A Green Distillery For Islay
- 28/Mar/2007: Islay in VisitScotland Campaign
- 29/Mar/2007: Improving Access on Islay
- 30/Mar/2007: Islay Birding Receives Five-Star Award
- 30/Mar/2007: Friday Islay Picture (4)
- 31/Mar/2007: Actress Named After Isle of Islay
- 31/Mar/2007: Kilchiaran Bay and Slate Quarry, Islay
April 2007
- 01/Apr/2007: Islay To Declare Independence
- 01/Apr/2007: Just completed: Rhinns of Islay Panorama
- 02/Apr/2007: Islay Distillery Tour 2007 T-Shirt
- 03/Apr/2007: Islay in Old Swedish Encyclopedia
- 04/Apr/2007: Islay and the Bremer Stadtmusikanten
- 05/Apr/2007: Cantilena Easter Festival 2007 on Islay
- 06/Apr/2007: Isle of Jura Festival of Scottish Writing 2007
- 06/Apr/2007: Friday Islay Picture (5)
- 07/Apr/2007: Getting Ready for the Islay Walking Week 2007
- 09/Apr/2007: Happy Islay (and Colonsay) Easter!
- 09/Apr/2007: Plane Crashes on Islay
- 09/Apr/2007: Lossit Bay and Rhinns of Islay Travelogue Completed
- 10/Apr/2007: A Calf Named Islay
- 11/Apr/2007: Islay Golf Links
- 12/Apr/2007: Cat Content for the Islay Blog
- 13/Apr/2007: Friday Islay Picture (6)
- 14/Apr/2007: Good Morning From Islay
- 14/Apr/2007: Lossit Walk, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 15/Apr/2007: Confused Bird on Islay?
- 15/Apr/2007: Bird Update and Islay Kayaking
- 15/Apr/2007: Giur-Bheinn Walk, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 16/Apr/2007: Darkness And Stars On Islay
- 16/Apr/2007: Killinallan Walk, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 17/Apr/2007: Islay Visitors Welcome Evening
- 17/Apr/2007: Loch To Loch Walk, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 18/Apr/2007: Jura Coastal Walk, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 19/Apr/2007: Corra Bheinn Walk, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 20/Apr/2007: Two Forts Walks, Islay Walking Week 2007
- 21/Apr/2007: Thank You For A Great Islay Walking Week 2007!
- 22/Apr/2007: Departure From Islay And Two Birthdays
- 23/Apr/2007: Another Islay Visit Last Week
- 24/Apr/2007: Colonsay Brewery, Competition or Complement to Islay Ales?
- 25/Apr/2007: Bruichladdich Spot The Difference Challenge
- 26/Apr/2007: Islay Travelogues Update
- 27/Apr/2007: The Happy Farmer's Wife's Blog From Islay
- 27/Apr/2007: Friday Islay Picture (7)
- 28/Apr/2007: Islay Seen From Ireland
- 29/Apr/2007: Buses on Islay and Jura Video
- 29/Apr/2007: Quick Islay Travelogue Status Update
- 30/Apr/2007: A Taste And Reek Of Islay
May 2007
- 01/May/2007: Port Charlotte Primary (Islay) On The Web
- 02/May/2007: The Unbeatable Islay Cat Alpaca Duo
- 03/May/2007: 2007 Election On Islay
- 04/May/2007: Scottish Election Results For Islay
- 04/May/2007: The Islay Birds Blog (and the Friday Islay Picture (8))
- 06/May/2007: Islay Travelogue and Panorama Updates
- 07/May/2007: Departure From And Arrival On Islay
- 08/May/2007: Andrew Jefford Blogs About Islay
- 09/May/2007: Hillwalking on the Paps of Jura Video
- 10/May/2007: Recent Islay Visits And Pictures
- 11/May/2007: Friday Islay Picture (9)
- 12/May/2007: Alex Kapranos of Franz Ferdinand Likes Islay
- 12/May/2007: How To Enjoy An Islay Single Malt Whisky
- 13/May/2007: Lossit Walk and Otters on Islay
- 14/May/2007: Islay Bushcraft Course on Texa
- 15/May/2007: Funny Islay Anecdote
- 16/May/2007: Islay and Jura Public Transport Guide
- 17/May/2007: Various Islay Links
- 18/May/2007: Friday Islay Picture (10)
- 19/May/2007: Islay Malt Pillage 2007
- 20/May/2007: Islay Website Updates
- 21/May/2007: Islay, Jura, Colonsay and Gigha from the Air
- 22/May/2007: Islay In The Sun
- 23/May/2007: Football on Islay
- 24/May/2007: Islay Ferry Deploys Fast Rescue Craft
- 25/May/2007: Friday Islay Picture (11)
- 26/May/2007: The Ferrymen, an Islay and Jura Book
- 27/May/2007: Islay Festival Without Whisky?
- 28/May/2007: Killinallan Point Beach Panorama, Islay
- 29/May/2007: Islay Walking Week Travelogue Update
- 30/May/2007: Valerie Ross Johnston Art Exhibition on Islay
- 31/May/2007: BBC Springwatch on Islay
June 2007
- 01/Jun/2007: Friday Islay Picture (12)
- 02/Jun/2007: Jura Fell Race 2007
- 03/Jun/2007: Happy Birthday Imke
- 04/Jun/2007: Two New Islay Panoramas
- 05/Jun/2007: Press Reactions to BBC Springwatch on Islay
- 06/Jun/2007: Even Cats Watch BBC Springwatch on Islay
- 07/Jun/2007: Good and Bad News from Bruichladdich, Islay
- 08/Jun/2007: Friday Islay Picture (14)
- 09/Jun/2007: Views Over the Sound of Islay
- 10/Jun/2007: Walks and Views on the Isle of Jura
- 11/Jun/2007: Have Your Say: Now With Comments
- 11/Jun/2007: Blog Reactions to BBC Springwatch on Islay
- 12/Jun/2007: A Small Islay Blog World
- 12/Jun/2007: Beach Rugby on Islay
- 13/Jun/2007: Rain and Rainbows on Islay
- 14/Jun/2007: Did Bacchus And I Meet On Islay?
- 15/Jun/2007: Friday Islay Picture (15)
July 2007
- 01/Jul/2007: Two Weeks On Islay
- 02/Jul/2007: Final Islay Malt Pillage Completed
- 03/Jul/2007: Islay From The Air Revisited
- 04/Jul/2007: New Islay and Jura Tourism and Marketing Group Website
- 05/Jul/2007: Islay Visitor Swap
- 06/Jul/2007: Friday Islay Picture (16)
- 07/Jul/2007: Islay Wave Power on German Television
- 08/Jul/2007: Islay Then And Now
- 09/Jul/2007: The Cask Of The Beast
- 10/Jul/2007: Islay Wave Energy in Turkish
- 11/Jul/2007: Making of Bowmore Islay Single Malt Whisky Videos
- 12/Jul/2007: Self Bottled Islay Single Malt Whisky
- 13/Jul/2007: Friday Islay Picture (17)
- 14/Jul/2007: Quick Islay Links (and a Question)
- 15/Jul/2007: WalkIslay 2007 Travelogue Complete
- 16/Jul/2007: Islay and the Low Cost Airlines
- 17/Jul/2007: Ardbeg Distillery Video
- 18/Jul/2007: Spot a Kemp on Islay!
- 19/Jul/2007: Armin's Little Islay Guide Draft
- 20/Jul/2007: Friday Islay Picture (18)
- 21/Jul/2007: Queen Victoria and Islay
- 22/Jul/2007: Flying to the Isle of Jura
- 23/Jul/2007: First Edition of my Islay Guide
- 24/Jul/2007: Vintage Cars on Jura
- 25/Jul/2007: Cycling Visits To Islay (and Jura)
- 26/Jul/2007: Islay Jazz Festival Video
- 27/Jul/2007: Friday Islay Picture (19)
- 29/Jul/2007: Islay June Travelogue Started
- 30/Jul/2007: Viking Ship visits Islay
- 31/Jul/2007: Walking around Islay's Coastline
August 2007
- 01/Aug/2007: Giant Ardbeg Islay Malt Bottles go on Sale
- 02/Aug/2007: Islay House for Sale
- 03/Aug/2007: Friday Islay Picture (20)
- 04/Aug/2007: Viking Ship Islay Visit Update
- 05/Aug/2007: Training Run on Islay?
- 06/Aug/2007: Islay House Then and Now
- 07/Aug/2007: Laphroaig Islay Single Malt Whisky Blogging
- 08/Aug/2007: Swiss Ardbeg and Islay Enthusiast
- 09/Aug/2007: Birlinns and Islay
- 10/Aug/2007: Friday Islay Picture (21)
- 12/Aug/2007: Stag Weekend on Islay
- 12/Aug/2007: Bruichladdich Peat Ale from Islay Ales
- 13/Aug/2007: Kilchoman Crags Islay West Coast Panorama
- 14/Aug/2007: Asian Islay Blogging
- 15/Aug/2007: Sailing in Islay's Waters
- 16/Aug/2007: 24 Hours on Islay Video
- 17/Aug/2007: Friday Islay Picture (22) actually from Jura
- 18/Aug/2007: Adrian on Islay
- 19/Aug/2007: The Islay and Arran Expedition
- 19/Aug/2007: How To Pronounce Islay Malts - Revisited
- 20/Aug/2007: Pam Carter's Paintings of Islay and Colonsay
- 21/Aug/2007: Trucks, Lorries and Diggers on Islay
- 22/Aug/2007: Islay House Community Buyout Proposal
- 23/Aug/2007: Music at the Port Charlotte Hotel, Islay
- 24/Aug/2007: Friday Islay Picture (23)
- 25/Aug/2007: More Traditional Music from Islay
- 27/Aug/2007: Islay on Radio Scotland Alert
- 28/Aug/2007: Islay, Peru, Revisited
- 29/Aug/2007: Islay Hotel Port Ellen Redevelopment
- 30/Aug/2007: Tom Friedrich and George Robertson, Two Famous Islay People
- 31/Aug/2007: Friday Islay Picture (24)
September 2007
- 01/Sep/2007: Demolition of the Islay Hotel, Port Ellen
- 02/Sep/2007: Printable Islay Guide 2nd Edition
- 03/Sep/2007: From Islay To Hamburg...
- 04/Sep/2007: Corryvreckan Whirlpool
- 05/Sep/2007: Two Islay Hotel(s)?
- 06/Sep/2007: The Viking Islay
- 07/Sep/2007: Friday Islay Picture (25)
- 08/Sep/2007: Saturday Islay Picture
- 09/Sep/2007: More Islay Hotel Demolition Pictures
- 09/Sep/2007: Some Kind of Islay Blogging Roundup
- 10/Sep/2007: Last Wall Standing at the Islay Bar
- 11/Sep/2007: Rare Breeds on Islay
- 12/Sep/2007: Huge Islay (and Scotland) Photo Gallery
- 13/Sep/2007: New Wildlife and Islay Blog to Watch
- 14/Sep/2007: Islay Sounds on Radio Alert
- 14/Sep/2007: Friday Islay Picture (26)
- 15/Sep/2007: Bunnahabhain Islay Single Malt Competition Winner
- 15/Sep/2007: Islay Hotel? What Islay Hotel?
- 16/Sep/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #2
- 17/Sep/2007: Islay's Gaelic Heritage
- 18/Sep/2007: An Islay Site to Bookmark and Some Jazz
- 19/Sep/2007: Two Bloggers Visit Islay
- 20/Sep/2007: Jura Fell Race Video
- 21/Sep/2007: Friday Islay Picture (27)
- 22/Sep/2007: More from Dave and Martin on Islay
- 23/Sep/2007: Sunday Islay Goat Picture
- 23/Sep/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #3
- 24/Sep/2007: Palm Trees on Islay and Jura
- 25/Sep/2007: Earthquake on Jura also felt on Islay
- 26/Sep/2007: Bruichladdich in Florida not Islay?
- 27/Sep/2007: A French Visit to Islay
- 28/Sep/2007: Friday Islay Picture (28)
- 29/Sep/2007: Two New Islay Panoramas
- 30/Sep/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #4
October 2007
- 01/Oct/2007: A New Start on Islay
- 02/Oct/2007: Islay in Old German Encyclopedia
- 03/Oct/2007: Mhairi Muir from Islay in Action
- 04/Oct/2007: Islay Travelogue Progress
- 05/Oct/2007: Friday Islay Picture (29)
- 06/Oct/2007: Suspicious Death on Islay
- 07/Oct/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #5
- 08/Oct/2007: Building Progress on Islay
- 09/Oct/2007: My Parents Arrive on Islay...
- 10/Oct/2007: Dubh Artach Lighthouse seen from Islay
- 11/Oct/2007: Islay and Jura with Barry, Lewis and Jamie
- 12/Oct/2007: Friday Islay Picture (30)
- 13/Oct/2007: Saturday Islay Travelogue Update
- 14/Oct/2007: An Islay Panorama in the Morning
- 14/Oct/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #6
- 15/Oct/2007: Islay Single Malt Whisky Chocolate Chip Shortbread
- 16/Oct/2007: Two More Islay Distillery Panoramas
- 17/Oct/2007: Getting Ready for Another Visit to Islay
- 18/Oct/2007: Thursday Islay Picture
- 19/Oct/2007: Friday Islay Picture (31)
- 28/Oct/2007: Back From Islay Again
- 29/Oct/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #7
- 30/Oct/2007: Kite Surfing on Islay (video)
- 31/Oct/2007: Marsh Fritillaries (Butterflies) on Islay
November 2007
- 01/Nov/2007: The Sound of Saligo Bay (An Islay ‘Podcast’)
- 02/Nov/2007: Friday Islay Picture (32)
- 03/Nov/2007: Foxface Album Release
- 04/Nov/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #8
- 05/Nov/2007: Islay Hotel Building Progress
- 06/Nov/2007: Nice Try Tesco, But I Prefer Islay Malts
- 07/Nov/2007: Diving in the Waters Around Islay
- 08/Nov/2007: Beach Art at Machir Bay, Islay
- 09/Nov/2007: The Legend of Laphroaig Book Published
- 09/Nov/2007: Friday Islay Picture (33)
- 10/Nov/2007: Islay Hotel Basement Nearing Completion
- 11/Nov/2007: Islay on TV alert: Storm Geese
- 11/Nov/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #9
- 12/Nov/2007: New Feature: Islay Countdowns
- 13/Nov/2007: 2008 Islay Distillery Tour T-Shirt now available
- 14/Nov/2007: Book Review: Islay Past and Present
- 15/Nov/2007: Laphroaig and Islay on German TV
- 16/Nov/2007: Friday Islay Picture (34)
- 17/Nov/2007: Islay Hotel Update (and a bit of fitba)
- 18/Nov/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #10
- 19/Nov/2007: Bruichladdich Panorama and Islay Travelogue Update
- 20/Nov/2007: Some Quick Laphroaig Islay Single Malt Whisky Reminders/ News
- 21/Nov/2007: Sketches of the Port Ellen Hotel, former Islay Hotel
- 22/Nov/2007: Spot The Whisky Barrel Islay Competition Goes Live Today
- 23/Nov/2007: Friday Islay Picture (35)
- 24/Nov/2007: Islay Bar in Munich to Close?
- 25/Nov/2007: British Ultra to take place on Islay and Jura
- 25/Nov/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #11
- 26/Nov/2007: Portnahaven Panorama and Islay Travelogue Update
- 27/Nov/2007: Islay Visit Blogged in Hebrew
- 28/Nov/2007: Sunset over Jura Video
- 29/Nov/2007: More Islay Hotel Basement Pictures
- 30/Nov/2007: Friday Islay Picture(s) (36)
December 2007
- 01/Dec/2007: Islay Rum?
- 01/Dec/2007: Outbuildings at the Port Ellen Hotel, Islay
- 02/Dec/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #12
- 03/Dec/2007: Two Islay Panoramas from Ardnave
- 04/Dec/2007: Islay in the Newspapers Recently
- 05/Dec/2007: Islay Birdwatching Travelogues
- 06/Dec/2007: Islay and Me on my Parent's Wall
- 07/Dec/2007: Friday Islay Picture (37)
- 08/Dec/2007: Islay Whisky Popular with Thieves
- 09/Dec/2007: Islay -vs- Swindon Building Progress
- 09/Dec/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #13
- 10/Dec/2007: Happy Birthday, Mutti!
- 11/Dec/2007: More Islay Hotel Progress Pictures
- 12/Dec/2007: Islay Pier Problems in the National News
- 13/Dec/2007: Song and Dance on Islay and Jura
- 14/Dec/2007: Friday Islay Picture (38)
- 15/Dec/2007: Motocross on Islay
- 16/Dec/2007: Book Review: The Legend of Laphroaig
- 16/Dec/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #14
- 17/Dec/2007: Islay Hotel Winter Slowdown
- 18/Dec/2007: Crofting on Islay and Jura
- 19/Dec/2007: Islay in Crime Fiction
- 20/Dec/2007: Islay Whisky and Farming
- 21/Dec/2007: Friday Islay Picture (39)
- 22/Dec/2007: Islay Car Sticker in London
- 22/Dec/2007: Islay Travelogue and Panorama Update
- 23/Dec/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #15
- 24/Dec/2007: Islay Weather and Christmas Eve
- 24/Dec/2007: Christmas Greetings from the Grewe Family
- 25/Dec/2007: Islay, Jura and Colonsay on a Very Old Map
- 26/Dec/2007: Islay (and Jura) from Kintyre
- 27/Dec/2007: Islay Malts in the Duty Free
- 28/Dec/2007: Friday Islay Picture (40)
- 30/Dec/2007: Islay Seals Panorama (and Travelogue Update)
- 30/Dec/2007: Islay Blogging Roundup #16
- 31/Dec/2007: 2007 on