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Tuesday, 09/Oct/2007
My Parents Arrive on Islay...

and go for a walk. OK, OK, that title and first sentence might have been a bit cryptic. Let me step back a bit: As mentioned I've been working on the Two weeks on Islay in June 2007 travelogue over the last few days. Over the last few weeks my mother frequently asked me, ‘When do we arrive on Islay?’. It was almost a running gag between us. Well, they have arrived now:
Last night I completed the page for the day my sister and me spent in Bowmore and the Big Strand, followed by the arrival of our parents. It was a busy day, lots of pictures from the various places we visited on Islay's Big Strand and Parents' Arrival. After a good nights sleep we got up early and went Walking and Birdwatching on The Oa, Islay the next day, which is the page I'm currently working on.
I hope to make good progress on the travelogue over the next week and a half, although I very much doubt that I will be able to finish it before my next visit to Islay at the end of October.
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