-> 2007 ->

Saturday, 22/Dec/2007
Islay Car Sticker in London

Last night my German London correspondent sent me a picture of a car. A rusty old Renault R4. If my information is correct first registered in 1974. Hold on, I hear you say: What does this have to do with Islay? To which I say, look again. Or read the title of the entry again. All will become clear and the connection to Islay will become apparent. Let's take a closer look:

Yes, it's sporting one of the ‘ISLAY...and it's goodbye to care!’ stickers. I'm not sure if they are still being produced now, I've got one on my current car as well which I bought in 2001. I'll need to see what sticker I'll put on my new car which I should get in January.
I'm not entirely sure, but I believe the ‘and it's goodbye to care’ line is a reference to Westering Home, a song about Islay.
PS: I wonder if the owner is an Ileach, has visited Islay or has just inherited the sticker when he/she bought the car?
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