-> 2007 -> Islay Weather and Christmas Eve

Monday, 24/Dec/2007

Islay Weather and Christmas Eve

Screenshot of a weather report for Port Ellen, Islay

While it is (very) unlikely that there will be a white Christmas on Islay, at least the run up to Christmas seems to have been quite nice. No such luck here in Bremen, where it has been grey and miserable pretty much all day (we did spot some blue sky for about 2 minutes this afternoon). Undeterred I went on a long walk with my father, where we spotted something you might not get to see too often on Islay (although it's not impossible, the Islay Birds blog has mentions of Canada Geese):

Picture of a Canada Goose with 3 young Swans

A single Canada Goose which seemed to have joined a Swan family, feeding on a field. There were 4 young Swans, two older Swans (presumably the parents) and the goose. The goose was walking around among the swans, which seemed to largely ignore it, picking for something to eat occasionally.

Back home we're now getting ready for Christmas with too much food, too much drink and everything else you expect from Christmas. And to return to the topic of this blog, there will be the odd Islay Single Malt being drunk and at least one Islay related present.

Christmas greetings from the Grewe family to follow later...

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