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Wednesday, 12/Dec/2007
Islay Pier Problems in the National News

For anyone on Islay and Jura and most people with an interest in Islay the problems with Bruichladdich Pier and the delays and overspends at Port Askaig won't be any news. After all they are a regular topic in the Ileach and on the Bruichladdich Blog. So I was slightly surprised when I read the first paragraph of Rough Seas Lifeline Ferry Ports Are Overdue And Over Budget in The Herald today:
New lifeline ferry ports on Islay and Bute are running millions of pounds over budget and are months overdue, The Herald can reveal.
I'm not entirely sure what they're revealing there, at least not the way I understand the term ‘reveal’. May be the exact values are new, but the rest should be well known by now. Nevertheless I think it might be helpful to see it in the national press, if it helps to keep the problems in the discussion and speed up their resolution.
Some interesting comments on the article, including one suggesting to just build a bridge as the distance between Islay and Jura is tiny. I wonder what the logistical and technical challenges would be to do that, let alone the cost?
PS: The distance to cover would be approx 900m or just over half a mile over a sound with very strong currents and high winds in particular during the winter.
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