-> 2009 -> Islay Winter Holiday Video in Super 8

Tuesday, 08/Sep/2009

Islay Winter Holiday Video in Super 8

Islay on Video written in stencil

OK then, I assume those who are interested have heard that there has been another landslip on the A83 at The Rest. For more details including alternative routes try the report about the A83 closure on Moving on to nicer topics (stay with me here), it seems the Newsnight Scotland report about Tidal Energy on Islay as I had feared is only available in the UK. So instead I have another Islay video which I believe everyone should be able to access (and hopefully enjoy):


Jim Rusk and Russell, Kirsty, Rich, Ian and friends went to Islay around new year and seem to have had a great time. Jim isn't sure when this was shot, but keeping in mind it was shot in Super 8 film and the relatively good state the Wyre Majestic was still in probably quite a few years ago. I tried to spot other clues, but wasn't successful.

In any case, it's more about just having a great time on Islay, enjoying the views, the beaches, the freedom. I think Jim really manages to bring that over in this video, I certainly enjoyed watching it, I hope you did (or will) as well.

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