-> 2010 -> Michal Šúr's Islay (and Seychelles) pictures

Diardaoin, 19/Aug/2010

Michal Šúr's Islay (and Seychelles) pictures

Islay Pictures in stencil

Those who follow my Twitter updates will be aware that I'm currently away for a long weekend in Germany, visiting my sister and father in Heidelberg. That doesn't stop me posting at least the occasional Islay blog entry as well though. In particular if it is for something as fantastic as Michal Šúr's Islay (and Seychelles) pictures:

Screenshot of four pictures of Geese from a gallery

I'm not sure when and where I first met Michal, but it was a few years ago and probably during one of the RSPB walks for the Islay walking week. Since then I've met him many times, during the walking weeks and at other times. In addition to his work for the RSPB he's very passionate about his photography and spends a lot of time outside hunting for good pictures. If you read the Islay Birds blog the sentence ‘Michal has been out taking pictures’ (or similar) will be familiar.

Speaking with him a while ago I remember asking him about a website with his pictures, I'm not sure what the outcome was at the time. Anyway, thanks to Eleanor and James Crossing Scotland Coast to Coast (where he contributed an excellent picture of them practicing in their kayak) I've recently found his excellent website:

Michal Šúr Photography

You will find pictures from mainly two places, of course Islay but also from the Seychelles. Michal worked on Aride in the Seychelles for a while (he gave a presentation at the Islay Natural History Trust about his experiences, not sure if there are further talks about it planned).

For this blog obviously the focus will be on Islay, where you can find many pictures in the gallery. I don't think there are many Geese on Islay pictures out there who can match his, I love the ‘Geese and sunrise’ picture. Have a look around his gallery, I'm sure you will like his pictures.

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