-> 2010 -> Friday Islay Picture #165 - Adder

Dihaoine, 10/Sep/2010

Friday Islay Picture #165 - Adder

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Friday evening, time for the Friday Islay picture. What to pick today? Well, earlier I thought about pictures I could possibly sent to the Islay Natural History Trust blog, well, after publishing some of the best ones on my own blogs. I think one of them should probably be the Adder my sister spotted near Gortantaoid when we were returning from Mala Bholsa in June this year:

Picture of an Adder on dark earth ground

We both took a bunch of pictures of it, this one is one of mine. My sister with her bigger lens has a great one of pretty much just the head, which I'll post some other time. We were keeping a respectful distance from it, just in case. While to my knowledge Adders don't normally attack humans but rather shy away, if they feel threatened they might bite. As far as I know not deadly to a healthy adult, but rather painful.

As usual I will post a larger version (larger as in more than twice as big) of the picture on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning, so that you can enjoy the Adder in all its glory.

Good night and have a great weekend!

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