-> 2011 -> Friday Islay Picture #195 - Hazy Machir Bay Wreck

Dihaoine, 20/May/2011

Friday Islay Picture #195 - Hazy Machir Bay Wreck

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Will this be the last Friday Islay Picture ever? Will I never make it to the #200 I was aiming to hit this summer? Well, should Harold Camping be right and judgement day is tomorrow, I hope you've enjoyed the ride to #195. Let's hope it doesn't end like this:

Picture of a wreck part buried in the sand of a beach on a hazy day

That's of course the wreck in Machir Bay, of which I still need to find out the name and story behind it (any pointers appreciated). All I know it's been there for well over 10 years, sometimes visible, sometimes not.

Judgement Day permitting I'll post the larger version (larger as in more than twice as big, as you probably know) on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning. Good night and have a great weekend!

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