—> 2012 —>

Dihaoine, 06/Apr/2012
Friday Islay Picture #236 - Horse Grazing at Saligo

Back after a one evening unplanned break. After a fifteen hour day at work again without any break to speak of and not getting home until gone midnight the tank was empty last night. No energy left for even the shortest of posts. Slightly recovered after a lazy day mostly at home it's back to Islay blogging. And as the calendar demands the Friday Islay picture:

That's of course at Saligo, a horse grazing at Saligo River with the cottage in the background. Taken in April a few years back, quite possibly even a Friday evening.
Time for a wee dram, I'm having a Bruichladdich PC8 this evening. Still might have to work an hour or two on Saturday and/or Sunday and definitely will be needed in the office on Easter Monday, so will have to pace myself. Still, have a great Easter weekend! As usual I'll post a larger version of the picture on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning…
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