—> 2012 —> Spottywellies September on Islay Pictures

Diluain, 24/Sep/2012

Spottywellies September on Islay Pictures

Islay Pictures in stencil

During last week I noticed Spottywellies on Twitter posting a variety of pictures live from a holiday on Islay. They included this lovely morning view from An Cala in Port Charlotte and on my request even the related view of the Paps. And there are many more:

Screenshot from a picture thumbnail gallery

You can find 203 pictures (as of writing this, not sure if there might be more coming) in the Islay, September 2012 Flickr set of spottiewellies. Among many others there's another version of the Paps of Jura across Loch Indaal in beautiful light, a very dramatic view of Port Charlotte lighthouse, a beautiful sea view from Laphroaig and a fishing boat in the evening light.

Take a look, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.

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