—> 2012 —>
Disathairne, 20/Oct/2012
New Islay Panorama, Soldier's Rock
Last weekend I had a combined Islay and Jura panorama, this weekend it's fully back to Islay for another new panorama. I'm taking you down south to The Oa for a view over the sea stack known as Soldier's Rock. Here's the as usual far too small preview of the panorama:
For the real thing in much bigger go to the More Islay 180° panoramas collection, where you'll find the panorama of a view over Soldier's Rock on The Oa in the south of Islay. It requires Apple Quicktime to view, but anyone with iTunes on their computer should already have that installed. I hope you'll enjoy it. Will you find where there might be dragons?
For those without Quicktime I'll upload a larger version of the picture (not as good as the Quicktime version, but still larger than the preview above) on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Sunday morning.
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