—> 2012 —> Off To The Islay Sessions (And More)

Diciadain, 14/Nov/2012

Off To The Islay Sessions (And More)

Islay Music in stencil

Sorry, the blog went quiet a bit earlier than I had planned, but I had a few more rather long days in the day job not leaving me enough time for blogging. But that's over for now as my holiday begins this evening and I'm off to Islay tomorrow. Meaning the blog will certainly be quiet for the next week and a bit. To give you something to entertain yourselves one of my longer Islay videos again (sorry, did the television and repeats joke already):

YouTube: Traditional Music at the Port Charlotte Hotel, Islay

Of course there's another reason I picked that video again, I hope to see some of the musicians again this weekend during the Islay Sessions. Lots of music and I hear great things about the bands I should see. Really looking forward to it!

Apart from that I hope to see a few old and new friends, please get in touch if you're around. Of course also planning to get out to see some of the birds, may be I'll get to see the Red Breasted Goose currently on Islay if I'm lucky? Not to forget a few distillery visits, beach walks and those kind of things.

As usual I hope to update my Isle of Islay Posterous account and my @islayblog Twitter account while I'm on my travels. Network permitting of course. Good night for now, back here in a week and a bit.

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