—> 2013 —> East Islay Mesolithic Project Video

Disathairne, 26/Jan/2013

East Islay Mesolithic Project Video

Islay on Video written in stencil

Taking you back quite a long time this evening, to mesolithic times. And to September 2012. The East Islay Mesolithic project has been running for a while, the video is from their latest visit in August and September 2012:

YouTube: East Islay Mesolithic Project

There is relatively little available on the internet about the project, but I managed to find the Student Fieldwork Placement Opportunities, East Islay Mesolithic Project, led by Dr Karen Wicks of the Scientific Archaeology Research Group. For some general information about mesolithic Islay try this document and I think also The Environment and Economy of Mesolithic Settlement in Eastern Islay Project (EEMSEIP) from 2011. I hope you find the video interesting and that it gives you some insight into the project.

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