—> 2013 —> i'Anson - Take Hold, music from Jura

Diluain, 11/Nov/2013

i'Anson - Take Hold, music from Jura

Jura Excursions written in stencil

Thought I take you over to Islay's neighbour Jura tonight for a bit of music and a nice video. Some of you might remember the i'Anson online previews in September, those with a really good memory might even remember the I'Anson Power Cut Music Preview. Well, here is the video of his debut single, filmed on Jura where Hugh Carswell (the man behind i'Anson) works and lives:

i'Anson - Take Hold from i'Anson on Vimeo.

A very nice song complemented by a very nice video showing off many of the qualities of Jura. For more go to the i'Anson | Official website, where in his Shop you can buy his debut album if you're interested.

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