—> 2014 —> Corryvreckan surfing and Islay wreck diving video

Diciadain, 30/Jul/2014

Corryvreckan surfing and Islay wreck diving video

Islay on Video written in stencil

On Saturday, when I blogged about the diving at the Isle of Gigha video, I mention another interesting video by James Hartley I was going to share. This time James takes us to two places, to the far north of Jura and then to the waters around Islay:

YouTube: Corryvreckan Whirlpool and Ontranto

I always find videos and pictures of the Corryvreckan impressive, fascinating that something like this can be generated just by the tide flowing over an oddly shaped surface. Visiting the Corryvreckan is quite high on my wish list of things I'd like to do, unfortunately not that easy to arrange as I want to pick the right time (as in strong tide) when I go.

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