-> 2011 -> Carlos Gardel Statue in Bowmore, Islay

Diciadain, 05/Jan/2011

Carlos Gardel Statue in Bowmore, Islay

Islay Fun in stencil

When I first came across a video from an event on Islay I wondered what to think of it. Was this real? Or was not all what it seemed to be? May be I had missed it, but I couldn't remember reading anything about it in the Ileach either. Time for a bit of digging, but first here's the video in question:

YouTube: Carlos in Bowmore

The video is posted on the carlosgardelscotland account, from it we also find a link to the Carlos Gardel in Scotland website. From it we find a Carlos Gardel in Scotland blog with an entry Carlos Gardel Status Tour reaches Bowmore [..] (with a few pictures of the event in Bowmore) If we then go to the Carlos Gardel entry on Wikipedia there is even a paragraph about the event:

During 2009/2010 statues depicting Gardel are scheduled to be erected temporarily throughout twenty-five small villages and towns of Scotland, commemorating his tour of 1930 where the singer used funds from his well paid appearances in Glasgow and Edinburgh to subsidize small unannounced concerts in rural venues. These impromptu (and free) appearances endeared him to the working population of Scotland and his legacy of passion and art endure through regular commemorative concerts and amateur productions.

That's it then, isn't it? Mystery solved. A true story, remembering a great singer with a legacy in rural Scotland.

On second thoughts…

Craig Borland at The Buteman reports about the unveiling of the statue on Bute: Statue show catches eye in Rothesay and while impressed by the show was a bit sceptical. Now it wasn't too far to Mischief La-Bas, Interactive Performance Company - Carlos Gardel Statue Tour.

Mystery solved.

A great idea well executed, including the Wikipedia entry. I hope you enjoyed the video and following the story of Carlos Gardel on Islay as much as I did researching and learning about it.

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