-> 2011 -> To Colonsay by RIB

Diluain, 11/Jul/2011

To Colonsay by RIB

Colonsay Excursions written in stencil

Time for an excursion to Islay's neighbour Colonsay again. Not from Islay (they left from Easdale on the mainland), but there are some great views and scenes to be seen in this video, both from the water and dry land:

YouTube: colonsay rib rally

Their rally includes a few more places, like the Isle of Eriska I've heard good things about. Of course the main thing are still the fabulous views and the brilliant weather they've had. I'll have to go on a RIB cruise around the islands one day as well, until then videos like this will have to do. I hope you've enjoyed the video as well.

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